About Emily Wright
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.
– Margaret Mead
A dedicated educator, passionate advocate, and talented public speaker. After living through bullying, addiction, mental health, and homelessness, Emily decided to use her personal experiences to help others. Today, she shares her story to demonstrate the lasting effects of bullying, the co-existence of privilege and oppression, and the power of resiliency. Emily Wright was the recipient of the 2016 Centre for Addiction and Mental Health Transforming Lives Award. Her story was also featured in a 2014 edition of Toronto Life Magazine. The article was nominated for a National Magazine Award and received over 1 million reads.
Passionate. And Inspiring a Whole Generation.
Being a talented public speaker, Emily Wright is a member of the Eva’s Initiatives Speaker’s Bureau, the United Way Speaker’s Bureau, and is a regular speaker for Raising the Roof. Emily also guest lectures at the University of Toronto, Ryerson University, and George Brown College. She has experience creating and implementing workshops, presentations, and speeches to both small and large groups across Toronto on a variety of topics.
Emily has a particular talent for speaking to students in elementary, middle, and high school. She has the ability to deconstruct social justice issues and present them to children in an age-appropriate way. Emily’s ability to confront stigma, while creating awareness and hope is sure to empower any audience no matter the age.
Caring. And Empowering Young Minds.
Emily Wright has a Masters degree in Teaching from the Ontario Institute of Studies in Education and is a certified Ontario teacher. Over the years, Emily has worked in many educational settings in both the for-profit and non-profit sector. She has worked in childcare centres, aftercare programs, shelters for women and children and schools.
Today, Emily works as an occasional teacher for an Ontario school board. She also recently began consulting as a curriculum developer for two national non-profit organizations: The Canadian Foundation for Aids Research and Raising the Roof in partnership with The Push for Change.
As an educator, Emily places an emphasis on social justice, change making, compassion, and has a special interest in using STEM-related challenges within her practice. She also brings her service dog, Kailey, into classrooms deepening students and school communities understanding of inclusion.